Doron JéPaul is a Creative Architect:
Actor, Producer & Minister.
Originally from Colorado by way of Germany Doron is an Artist Citizen. Doron JéPaul has always forged his own path by faith. Once an aspiring mathematics teacher and high school football coach, he quickly discovered a love for music and theatre while earning his B.A. from Colorado College. Doron forwent a doctorate scholarship in education and mathematics to pursue an artistic career in New York City. Since then, Doron has performed on Broadway, starred in award-winning films, while writing and producing for theatre, television and film.
“Dare to be a Thermostat, not a Thermometer. Dare to change the world.”
- Doron JéPaul Mitchell
His focus as a storyteller is using art to expand the Kingdom of God in an avant-garde way by reclaiming the joy, curiosity and imagination of art in every story he comes across.
All in all, Doron uses his wide variety of skills as the vehicle for positive change in his community and in the industry at large. One entertainment climate at a time.
mari uchida ‘19
Doron can be seen on Broadway in OUR TOWN.
Starring four-time Emmy Award® winner Jim Parsons, Katie Holmes, Richard Thomas, Zoey Deutsch and Ephraim Sykes, OUR TOWN returns to Broadway for the first time in over 20 years. Thornton Wilder‘s Pulitzer Prize-winning classic will shine in a momentous new production. Directed by Tony Award® winner Kenny Leon.
Director: Shaun Seneviratne
Executive Producer: Clementine Taylor, Michael Irenski, Juhee Mian,
Michael Sugar, Ankit Patel, Neel Patel
Producer: Doron JéPaul Mitchell, Shaun Seneviratne
Cinematographer: Molly Scotti
Ben and Suzanne, A Reunion in 4 Parts
6' 2"
182 lbs
Hair Color
Eye Color